Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

6845747A breast lift, or “mastopexy” repositions the breast up onto the chest, to make a higher, more pert breast shape. It is an increasingly common operation in the over 40’s, and in mothers who have breast fed and lost the shape of their younger breast, leaving the breast to sag, and often with a nipple pointing downwards. It sometimes is considered in much younger patients with a naturally sagging shape, who may be unhappy with this. The operation does not remove any breast tissue, it simply reshapes the existing tissue.


In most cases, Hamish uses a technique that leaves a scar around the nipple, and running down from the nipple to the crease line, much as for a vertical breast reduction. You may be a candidate for different, smaller incisions, and it may be reasonable to consider adding some volume to the breast at the time, to improve the shape and projection of the breast. This is called an ‘Augmentation Mastopexy’ and is really a combination of both techniques. This can be done in staged operations or, as more commonly done by Hamish, in a single procedure.

You will have a general anaesthetic, and stay one night in hospital. As for reduction, you can expect to be able to drive in a week (as long as you have a driver’s licence) and return to work in two weeks.

Things to consider

A breast lift is usually needed when the skin of the breast has been stretched, and with loss of volume of the breast, the breast sags (like an old set of Speedos might after lending them to your big sister!). This may at times be associated with stretch marks, but always implies that the skin elasticity is not great, which is why things stretched in the first place. A lift can correct the breast back to a younger position on the chest, but gravity will continue to work – and you won’t stay perky forever. Stopping smoking and not getting pregnant can help your chances of keeping your result.

You will be informed of your choices and you should be aware of the risks and understand the possible complications that can occur, what can be done about these, and what down-time and costs may be involved if further surgery is needed.  It is extremely important to ensure you have the right information and choose the right surgeon before proceeding with your surgery.

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